What is your business REALLY worth?

Download our FREE Business Value calculator to get a rough estimate of the REAL VALUE of your business as it is right now.

You will also receive our checklist with 5 Actionable Tips you can apply RIGHT NOW to INCREASE business value

What you receive

Value Calculator

Business Value Calculator to give you an idea what a buyer would likely pay for your business today

5 Actionable Tips

Our checklist with 5 Actionable Tips you can apply to your business to INCREASE Business Value

BONUS: 1-on1 Consult

If you act quickly, you will be eligible for a 1-on-1 Business Value Consult with one of our experts

Are you Ready?

We work with business owners all the time who dream of “Someday” selling their business. We are constantly surprised that so many business owners have NO CLUE that all the HARD WORK and SACRIFICE they are putting in right now actually has VERY LITTLE impact on the REAL VALUE of their business. 

These “Someday Sellers” spend too much of their hard earned time and money investing in and working on things that actually have VERY LITTLE impact on VALUE GROWTH

At Transfigure, we are on a mission to HELP BUSINESS OWNERS focus on REAL VALUE and position businesses to sell for TOP DOLLAR, when the time is right.

At the end of the day, no one wants to be a “Someday Seller” but it is very easy to fall into that trap!!! Next thing you know you have spent your entire career working on building your business only to find you were building something that is VERY HARD TO SELL, let alone GET TOP DOLLAR.

Just because you are here right now reading this, you will find yourself among the few business owners who really UNDERSTAND BUSINESS VALUE and how to get top dollar for your business when you are ready to sell!

Whether you are ready to sell your business right now, or at some point in the near future, understanding of the REAL VALUE of your business will allow you to BUILD REAL BUSINESS VALUE. Empowered with this clarity, you can focus you efforts and energies on things with ACTUALLY translate to additional VALUE INCREASE when it comes time to sell your business. 

After all, you DO NOT want to be a SOMEDAY SELLER!!

So, make sure to click the link below and get started by calculating your BUSINESS VALUE and get started MAXIMIZING REAL BUSINESS VALUE! We want to help you achieve your personal and business goals and this is the first step!

Business Value Calculator

Complete the following form and we’ll reply right away with the Business Value Calculator and our 5 Tips to Maximize Business Value.

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